“I have worked with Renee Beck in a small school with a therapeutic emphasis for almost two decades. Renee is experienced, perceptive, easy to talk to, and able to skillfully communicate in times of conflict. Renee excels at delivering difficult messages to our students and parents with compassion and understanding. She is an expert mediator; when our high school students have conflicts they cannot resolve on their own, she does an excellent job making sure both students feel heard.
“Renee is astute, responsive and helpful whenever I need her support or opinion. Our students adore her psychology and tarot courses as they help them to better understand themselves in this complex world. If you are looking for an incredibly wise, caring, and accepting therapist who can help you reflect and get perspective on your life, Renee is the right therapist for you!”
— Abby Tuttle, Co-Director, Holden High School
“I have worked with Renee Beck in her various capacities at Contra Costa Alternative (currently Holden High) School for three decades. I can speak to her abilities both as a therapist and counselor and as a supervisor of interns, and as advisor (and co-director) to teachers and other staff. She is thus skilled as a mentor, an educator, and an administrator in addition to her manifest clinical abilities. I highly recommend my colleague of so many years in all these realms.”
— Larry McReynolds, M.D., psychiatry and psychopharmacology
Note: The FTC requires that you know this: The results that these clients achieved from Renee Beck, MFT’s services are unique to each individual. Your results will vary depending on your situation, your needs, the amount of time and effort you devote to furthering the process, and your own personal abilities.
“You meant so much to me when I worked with you, I feel the work you provided was instrumental for me and my path. Thank you for doing your work, counseling and spiritually. You helped me find myself. Because of our work together I was guided to myself very powerfully. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
— Shoshana Des Chenes, priestessworks.com
“Renee Beck gave me an excellent foundation for working with transference and countertransference that has developed my skills in working honestly, skillfully and safely with clients and my own ‘supervisees’. Renee also helped me work with subtle energy dynamics between myself and clients that was so useful and helpful in keeping healthy boundaries as an empathic healer and avoiding burn out. Renee is one of the best when it comes to modeling how to give and receive feedback leading to healthy communication and growth. I am very grateful to have trained with her and to have her as an ‘internalized self object’ as a supervisor, therapist and wise woman.”
— Lora (Schoen) Blazina, former Holden High School Counselor, Certified Professional Counselor at Integrative Life Center
“Renee was a fantastic clinical supervisor. First and foremost, her ability to receive feedback with humility and openness far surpassed my expectation, both as a supervisor and as a human being. She was so non-defensive, while nevertheless also holding her ground. This was a wonderful example and mirror for me as an aspiring practitioner and as a human being.
“Renee really empowered and supported me, as an intern, to find my own way and voice, without imposing a particular model of practice onto me. Renee was confident and experienced enough in herself to allow others to be themselves, without experiencing difference as a threat, but rather as something beautiful that makes the world interesting.
“Her understanding and honoring of the spiritual realms was refreshing and relieving. With a deep love for archetype, ritual, the unconscious, shadow, symbols, dreams, nature and soul, supervision with Renee was a place where human experience included the transcendent and our relationship to the cycles, seasons and interconnectedness of all of life.
“Renee was very available and consistently demonstrated great compassion, openness, receptivity, love and dedication to students, staff, interns, humanity and life at large alike. She has a huge appetite for learning and her curiosity and investigative spirit shined forth in her enthusiasm, fascination and wonder for life, in its many shades and hue.”
— Arin Weiss, former Holden High School Counselor
At my next internship, “I missed you so much! It really made me realize what a wonderful training program you’ve created there at Holden, Renee, and what an incredible source of support and guidance you are to us as student clinicians (not that I didn’t feel lucky before, but perhaps I didn’t know how lucky).”