4 Weekly Sessions each Month
New participants start the first week of the month
$150/month/group 4-6 people/group
Call for a free initial interview
The Meaning of Dreams Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 Teens,5:30-6:30 Adults Renee Beck, LMFT
Our dreams provide access to our inner wisdom and can help give perspective and create more choice in our lives. You will learn essential dreamworking techniques, including: remembering dreams; keeping a dream journal; dream-sharing; dialoguing with dream images; and doing dream art. You will also become acquainted with some of the basic symbolism common to dreams as a way to have a context for finding the personal meaning of your dream symbols. Explore your Dreams!
Teen Girls’ Group Mondays 4:30-5:30 Valeria Harris, MA What defines a healthy relationship? In this group specifically for girls, we’ll explore relationships in all iterations: to our friends and family, our community, and most importantly, to ourselves. Each day will have a slightly different area of focus, with the on-going theme of building nourishing and authentic relationships. We’ll play with body awareness and creative expression, with space for developing trust and support between members of the group.
Women’s Sexual Assault Survivors Support Group Mondays 5:30-6:30 Valeria This group is designed for adult survivors of sexual assault. In our time together, we’ll work on building trust within ourselves, connecting with others touched by similar experiences, and deeply resourcing ourselves on the healing path. Each group will begin with a check-in, and may include a somatic exploration or creative healing exercise.
Also: Introduction to Tarot Saturdays 1-3pm starts Sept. 20 Renee
A solid introduction for using the cards to help you tap into your Inner Wisdom & get new perspectives on different areas of your life, this class is NOT about fortune telling. Learn how to use an archetypal system as a wonderful Self-Exploration tool! Teens & adults Cost: $275 for the 5-Saturday series
Dreamworker. Transpersonal Therapy & Tarot.
Clinical Consultation & Supervision. 510-387-0341
Valeria Harris, MA
Heart-Centered Somatic Therapy & Counseling. Registered Marriage & Family Therapist Intern #71548 supervised & employed by Renee Beck LMFT, #MFC210 510-470-4011 CattailHealingArts.com
***ARCHIVED Groups & Classes***
4 Different Groups Monday-Thursday
4-6 participants in each group
5 weeks November-December
Special: $125 for each 5-week group
Mondays: QUEER or QUESTIONING: Coming to Terms with Coming Out Rory Jelinski, LMFT
This group is dedicated to teens that identify as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer, or who are questioning their sexual orientation. Meetings include structured curricula, discussion groups, music, and games in a safe and supervised environment. All groups provide a safe and relaxed atmosphere where each person is treated with the highest level of respect. Time to be announced.
Tuesdays 4:30-5:30: The MEANING of DREAMS Renee Beck, LMFT
Our dreams provide access to our inner wisdom and can help give perspective and create more choice in our lives. Teens in this group will learn essential dreamworking techniques: remembering dreams; keeping a dream journal; dream-sharing; dialoguing with dream images; and doing dream art. Teens will also become acquainted with some of the basic symbolism common to dreams as a way to have a context for finding the personal meaning of their dream symbols.
Wednesdays 4:30-5:30: POETRY Tiffany Promise, MFA, MA
This is a group for teens interested in tapping into the emotional current of poetic verse—freely expressing whatever they want to express. We will read together, write together, share and support one another on our poetic journeys. No experience needed, just an interest in the healing nature of poetry, and the pluckiness to investigate yourself and your world with new poetic lenses–all the while developing stronger self-expression skills.
Thursdays 4:30-5:30: GIRLS’ GROUP Valeria Harris, MA
What defines a healthy relationship? In this group, we’ll explore relationships in all their various iterations: relationship to friends and family, to one’s community, and most importantly, to one’s self. Each day will have a slightly different focus, with the consistent theme of building nourishing, conscious, authentic relationships. We’ll work somatically to develop body awareness, and creatively to explore our unconscious, with plenty of space to develop trust and support within the group.
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