Spring into Balance! Changes Await:

Spring! New Growth!

Spring! New Growth!

Life is starting to burst from the earth; what new growth arises within you? We have survived the winter darkness, huddled into ourselves, integrating lessons from the past year, building new aspects of Self, gestating new ideas & new ways of being. Spring calls us forth, juices flowing, if we have the strength to break through the surface into the light. The Vernal Equinox — the midpoint between the darkest & the lightest days of the year — is a great time to take advantage of this birthing of new life, both external & internal, to create new balance within yourself.

And you don’t have to do it alone! Get help tilling the soil, from another human or from birdsong. Find an exercise buddy. Join a band. Enter into self-exploration with a therapist. Access the new growth that awaits within!

For a free phone interview to see how Transpersonal Therapy can help you in this process, call Renee Beck, MFT at 510-387-0341.


VI The Lovers: Inner Marriage

The Lovers. VI. Visconti-Sforza tarotWe all search for Union with something larger than ourselves. Some of us find this in the romantic other, some in a muse of art. Some find this ecstatic embrace in Nature, some in the relationship with a god or goddess. It can also be found in service, in spiritual practice, or in devotion.

Wherever you find your heart & passion taking you beyond your small sense of self, to being part of something that is great, & good, may you journey a little further on that path today. Happy Valentine’s Day!